Tuesday, May 23, 2006
am i too sensitive?
Saturday, May 20, 2006
to be with other guys is more
i just went for a picnic... with afew friends..one of them is a single guy..hey..this is not saying i wanted him or something..just pondering... kay... i have a boyfriend tho hes so far away.... that i miss the company...i totally understand why he tried to cheat on me once... long story..another day... kay?
anyway... it made me think..i like to think... erm.. i had fun with this guy..because...i was not trying to hit on him.. i was able to relax.show myself..not care watever anyone else think...ironically..we can only do this when we have someone in our life... it made me feel i dont know... how i look in front of this guy coz i am not hitting on him..yeah yeah i know we should be ourselves when we are with a loved one... but at a certain point..u wanna impress him rite? so u wouldnt normally show the 'bad' part of u to him.. dont lie..at some point we all do that... so... my pondering is... no wonder some people are attracted to attached people... they are more relaxed..more confident... well the main reason they are more confident is because they know they are wanted by someone...so the desperate urge to find partners...impress them are non existent...this way..they are more relaxed to show themselves..have fun...be silly..without worrying..oh.. i must look soo stupid in front of this person... or something...
so... will u have more fun in flirting? or in love?
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Responsible, conscientious, and rather serious, you expect to work for what you want in life, and you don't appreciate frivolity, laziness, or inconstancy in other people. You have a strong sense of duty and you need to be productive. You are very capable in practical affairs and may have mechanical abilities.
A well organized, structured, disciplined lifestyle appeals to you and you prefer security to excitement and surprises. You love tradition and don't question the conventions, rules, and methods you were brought up with. You think in clear, simple, practical terms and are honest and square in your dealings with others. Basically conservative, you may distrust the unfamiliar and anything you feel might threaten your orderly and peaceful existence. You never take risks unless you have laid a firm foundation for success. You may lack imagination and the desire to learn new ways. Also, you do not allow yourself to relax and be carefree often enough. Part of the reason for this is that others depend upon your practical abilities so much that when you do have free time, you may find yourself fixing someone's car, helping a friend with their taxes, or doing some other chore. Try to avoid becoming a workaholic. You deserve to play sometimes too!
by astrology.com
i dont think this is me at all.... but hey...this is some cosmic power we're talking bout rite? who am i to judge?
Friday, May 12, 2006
ive been so lazy in writing my blog..i dunno...sometimes.. i feel im too lazy to do anything...
ive a lot to tell ya.. lets see now... okay..i recently went for a course... my department sent me..it has something to do with my confirmation..in my job..
anyway...this course is about instilling love for the country... your job..bla bla bla... ive been to these types of courses before...and frankly its all the same...the speeches..the exercises.... assignments u have to do... we can predict whats next..and kinda bores me,.. but hey...we know its necessary so just bear with it...i dont mind..if it means we can escape work for a week..so be it...
anyways,...this time its held in an outward bounds school..so we have..a bit of rappeling we have to do...running... jungle trekking..all part of team building..or watever...
i was deathly afraid of heights...so when it came to rappeling...i nearly peed my pants off...but hey..i can proudly say...i did it... man...what an experience... wont do that ever again...
then theres the 2 km run..i hate physical activities! but i managed it..with the huffing and puffing..all the way up a hill... sheesh...my legs are sore for days after that... but again ..i did it...
the jungle trekking wasnt soo bad.... its not really a jungle we walk thru,... just some shrubs i think... but again..with some huffing and puffing under the scorching midday sun... i did it...
im kinda proud for my self... and... yesterday..i bought two new pair of shoes..heheh..hey a girl should reward herself....
Monday, May 01, 2006
my tarot reading
its the answer to:
will he marry me?
Self: The Empress
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Your presence, warm and generous, is sought after by those around you.
The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
The Empress symbolizes harmony, comfort, creativity and wisdom. This Great Mother beckons us with her life-giving support. She is the abundant matrix from which we draw vital life and out of which we individuate.
The Empress exemplifies health and natural joy in the body, the healing arts, music and all things good, true and beautiful. We learn our highest ideals from her. The Empress in this position indicates that you personify something generous, warm and nurturing.
Situation: Two of Cups
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Reason cannot decipher the synergy of this situation because it is happening on a heart level.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
When the Two of Cups is in this position, you are dealing with a situation that may be permeated by a romantic, idealistic and psychically open quality. Such a state of affairs practically suspends the ordinary rules of reason.
It is as if you are operating within a reality where your sensors work better than your logical mind. You may want to feel your way through this situation rather than relying on intellect. It's not that things are doomed to being irrationally erratic. It's just that something in the air transcends logic as psychic, emotional and spiritual energies permeate the atmosphere.
Challenges/ Opportunities: Four of Swords
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Escape to your sanctuary to do some necessary internal work.
The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
The Four of Swords in this position urges you to find a place and time for quiet reflection. You are probably overstimulated, having made yourself too indispensable. This card represents the tribal, familial or cultural qualities passed to you by your ancestors that mark and define you, that make you the unique individual you are.
Acknowledge how much you have neglected your inner life and resolve to budget time and energy to tend to this vault of treasures. We need to get away from the outer life occasionally to do an internal audit, to create a new strategy, or to envision alternative paths. Without a retreat into quiet time, you cannot expect to marshal our very best resources for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Break away from your preoccupations and find a "cave" for the internal work which may be crucial to emerging developments.
Foundation: Ace of Wands
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An inborn awareness and strength of purpose will serve you well.
The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background.
The Ace of Wands in this position indicates a long-held strong sense of centeredness coupled with an ability to recognize within yourself what is real and right for you. This is a clear sign that your self-will is intact.
Don't do anything to compromise that natural internal barometer. Your inherent sensibilities will serve you every day of your life, so don't tamper with them.
Recent Past: Ten of Coins
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Your fading attachment to the past gives you an opportunity to mature.
The card in the Recent Past position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power.
With the Ten of Coins in this position, you are leaving behind family connections or traditional sources of support and coming into a certain maturity. Your perspective has changed as a result of this shift. You know more of what the wide world holds and you can assume a stronger stance. Your dependence upon the past is fading, and this bodes well for you.
Higher Power: Ace of Cups
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Your current outlook, so full of warmth and approval, is infecting others with a love of life.
The card in the Higher Power position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience, Guardian Angel, inner wisdom.
When the Ace of Cups falls in this position, your Higher Power is blessing you with an abundance of approval. As you feel this powerfully within yourself, your self-respect rises like the level of a lake in spring.
The feeling that you are the right person in the right place at the right time is elating. As your self-esteem increases, the feelings of your heart deepen. This "inner smile" expands the dimensions of your consciousness, awakening you to experience life on a higher frequency. Living life on this level increases your optimism, confidence and generosity -- attracting people to you and your gifts.
Near Future: Seven of Swords
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Your deliberate, focused efforts provide a blueprint for the winning mentality necessary in your situation.
The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.
When the Seven of Swords falls in this position, you have an opportunity to see your life dreams and objectives play out step by step according to the grand plan. As you bring your intended goal into materialization, the one you care about will gain confidence that evolutionary change is possible.
This is not just about successfully completing a challenge. By disciplining your mind, you will be able to apply the kind of insight and attitudes needed to benefit your situation. And, you'll do it without letting yourself be derailed by transient concerns. Continue to demonstrate the clear focus and directed will that serves as an exemplary role model for those around you.
Blocks & Inhibitions: Nine of Wands
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There's more to be gained from postponing or sharing the workload than from trying to do it all yourself.
The card in the Blocks position points to self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, where you could get stuck -- unless you examine yourself and make some corrections.
When the Nine of Wands falls in this position, it may be time to admit that you are not irreplaceable. The truth is no one person can play all the roles on a team and cover all the bases adequately. You may have been the parent of a brilliant idea, plan or project, but if you aren't able to share the responsibilities and the rewards, you may be prevented from achieving anything at all.
Before it's too late, call in some competent people, turn things over to them, take some time out and regain your objectivity. You can gain more from taking some rest and learning how to trust than you could possibly have produced by trying to do everything yourself.
Allies: Three of Coins
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Let those who have gone before you illuminate the way.
The card in the Allies position points to people who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time.
The Three of Coins in this position suggests that you call up a role model, living or dead. Reach out to past Masters who represent the evolution of your craft. Study their body of works; stand in their shoes. Then surround yourself with skillful and talented people who embody this spirit of creativity and invention.
Let the spirit of the past Masters challenge and provoke you to expand beyond yourself and develop their qualities within yourself. Reach out to these souls and connect with them in mind and heart if you can't reach them in time and space. Let those who have gone before you show the way.
Advice: The Tower
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You are the one to serve as a catalyst for change.
The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
With the Tower in this position, think of yourself as an agent of transformation. This self-sacrificing role is likely to create stressful situations, especially among your financial advisors and people who have an attachment to how you apply recourses. Your vision shows you that this radical change has already been unleashed by forces much larger than mere mortals, and therefore you are no longer resisting.
Now you may be at the forefront, acknowledging and accepting the bracing presence of the future bursting in on the present. Try to mediate the harsher parts of the changes as they unfold, so the most vulnerable are the most cushioned. Acknowledge yourself, as well as the others in your life, who are offering their resources to usher in a better future.
Long-term Potential: Eight of Coins
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Long-term success appears to be very possible for someone with your talent.
The card in the Long-term Potential position points to unknowns still taking shape. It is the "wild card" yet to be played.
The Eight of Coins in this position indicates strong talent and ability, which if taken seriously, has the potential to redefine a situation or relationship. With proper long term planning, such talents and skills may prove worthy in the world of commercial endeavors. Good fortune and success may be the result of such innovative vision and creative ideas.
On the other hand, a combination of precision and elegance may hold the key to inspiring a whole school or stylistic movement. Yours is not the talent and vision of just another craftsman. This card generally indicates a multi-dimensional talent. If you should choose to invest in it, then it may reward you handsomely over time. Prepare to take yourself seriously and position yourself for the long term. It benefits you to look for a way of being rewarded according to your worth and to make sure that your talent is visible to people who can appreciate it.
Illustrations by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Stamford Ct, USA. Copyright U.S. Games Systems. Except as used to display a Visionary Networks' Tarot reading, further reproduction prohibited. This beautiful image, scanned with permission from U.S. Games, is based on a Tarot Deck available for purchase at USGamesInc.com.